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Altered Tim Holtz Tool Carousel

This has been the best project ever yet I've made with Tim Holtz products.  I really enjoy making this beautiful Too Carousel, will be on my desk cause is useful and comfortable. The Carousel reduced the amount of crazy stuff I had next to me in individual cups with pens, brushes etc. 

The whole project took me about 3 days, the embellishments were collected for many months and I've hoard them badly but I new it was time to work in something that will be a beautiful work of art. I absolutely enjoy every minute of it and this will push me to make better projects in the future with the Mixed Media, Steampunk an vintage theme that I love.

Thanks to all the  persons that contributed one way or the other providing some of the embellishments for this project, Brenda (Ravladd), Jenny, Martha (21Jazzey's) On YouTube and Ustream I love you girls! An of course Tim Holtz for being and inspiration to my work since the day I knew about him, you are truly ans inspiration and I can't stress saying it.

I hope you like it as much as I do and is already put in use. Enjoy!


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